"Lemon Demon - Sweet Bod (HQ Audio)" is a high quality FLAC of "Sweet Bod" by Lemon Demon. It was originally uploaded to the Music - Topic channel, with the title "Sweet Bod", but was taken down with the rest of the channel. It was then reuploaded to the RecordCollector1972 channel, but without the Music - Topic format seen in the original video.
It starts off as a mashup with "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies. Starting at 2:00, it switches to "All Star" by Smash Mouth. The electric guitar solo at 2:42 has the melody changed to "Meet the Flintstones", the theme to the show The Flintstones. It returns to "All Star" at 3:00. At 3:30, a fart sound can be heard, with the FLAC ending with the same sound.