"Billy Joel - Uptown Girl (Single) (HQ Audio)" is a high quality FLAC of the single version of "Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel.
The vocals of the song have been mashed up with "Main Theme - Yoshi's New Island" from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The in-video thumbnail during this part of the FLAC shows an edited version of the "Uptown Girl" single cover art, with the following changes:
- The word "Girl" has been edited to "Yosh".
- The original pictures have been swapped out with the following:
- A picture of a gangster Yoshi.
- A still of Yoshi squinting his eyes, taking from the Super Mario World cartoon.
- Yosh, or "Fat Yoshi"
Starting at 0:58, parts of "Party Rock Anthem" by LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock start appearing in the song, with footage from the music video of that song appearing and going across the screen. This is a reference to a meme regarding how "Uptown Girl" and "Party Rock Anthem" have the same BPM. At 1:13, the aforementioned music video comes in from the right of the screen and engulfs it for the rest of the song. The FLAC cuts to black at 2:33.
At 2:36, a picture of this Yoshi model from Super Smash Bros. Melee appears. The lyric "Every day, I'm shufflin'." from "Party Rock Anthem" plays. However, the word "shufflin'" is replaced with an unknown Text To Speech voice saying "committing tax evasion."
- This FLAC was originally titled "Billy Joel - Uptown Girl (HQ Audio)", but was changed since another FLAC already had the name.